A wooden block with the inscription code of conduct is held up to the camera.

Code of Conduct – General guidelines

Code of Conduct | Dr. Günther Kast GmbH & Co. Technische Gewebe Spezial-Fasererzeugnisse KG

Our Code of Conduct is a set of basic behaviours that should apply to all employees of our company. It contains guidelines on how employees should behave in a legally correct, ethical and socially responsible manner. In cooperation and coordination with the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry (Textil + Mode) and the German Retail Association (HDE), the joint Code of Conduct forms our basic understanding of our socially responsible corporate actions.


However, this Code of Conduct also defines our expectations of our suppliers. It provides them the policy regarding the requirements to deliver their of goods  from anywhere in the world.

You can find more information about our Code of Conduct on the website here .