Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct contains guidelines for all employees of our company to behave in a legally, ethically and socially correct manner. It is the basic understanding of our socially responsible corporate behavior. The Code of Conduct also defines our expectations of our suppliers and provides the principles we have developed regarding our requirements such as framework conditions for the supplying of goods.

A wooden block with the inscription code of conduct is held up to the camera.

General guidelines

Our values can be summarized as follows:

  • We support sustainable development and corporate responsibility.
  • We act in accordance with basic health, safety, and environmental standards.
  • We respect global labor and human rights.


In cooperation with the Confederation of the German Textile and Fashion Industry (Textil + Mode) and the German Retail Association (HDE), the joint Code of Conduct forms our basic understanding of our socially responsible corporate activities.


Our workforce, customers and suppliers rely on our integrity. Ethical conduct by all of us is the corner­stone of Kast‘s excellent global reputation and the long-term success of our company group.


Our code of Conduct clearly shows our values and principles, which form the base of our corporate culture. We do not accept violations of the law or the Code of Conduct. We do not tolerate unethi­cal behavior. The compliance of the Code of Conduct is the personal responsibility of everyone, regardless of function, hierarchical level or workplace.


KAST will regularly review this Code of Conduct and make appropriate changes whenever necessary and appropriate. It is available for download here in English and German: